Dolls Info&Qustions

7 Tips Tell You How to Heat the Sex Doll Torso!

She is too chilly! Do you voice complaints like that about your sex doll partner? Yes, sex dolls cannot have body heat like a real person. However, you can safely heat the torso or other parts of the doll so that they have a warm body temperature like a real person. This will enhance the realism of the sex experience. Internal heating...

On by SmithColeen 0 Comments

Monique lets you know the most authentic sex dolls!

 Do you recall how you felt the first time you visited a website with sex dolls? Why do you intend to purchase a sex doll? Do you wish to meet a devoted, confidant partner, or are you only interested in having sex? If you choose a sex doll of your own out of concern for the latter, you ought to be in...

On by SmithColeen 0 Comments

4 More Eco-Friendly Usage Methods for Sex Dolls!

With low-quality, inexpensive, single-use plastics being created more quickly than they can be disposed of, plastic pollution has emerged as one of the most concerning environmental issues. Plastic is also extensively used in the sex toy industry. You will discover that most sex dolls and sex doll torsos are constructed of various sorts of plastic when you purchase them. Buy and utilize...

On by SmithColeen 0 Comments

9 Funnier Sex Doll Movies You Can Enjoy!

  How does daily living with sex dolls go? Perhaps you are the proud owner of a lifelike sex doll. You have a wealth of life experiences, priceless memories, and even sexual dreams to offer. If you watch one of the many sex doll-themed movies, you'll think, "This is so like me!" whether it's a fantasy novel full of fantasy or a...

On by SmithColeen 0 Comments