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Love Doll: Comprehensive Guide and FAQs for 2024

qua HVin 18 Jun 2024 0 bình luận

The Background of Love Dolls You Need to Know

Did you know? The prototype of love dolls appeared in ancient times. As early as the Greek and Roman periods, people began using simple items to create surrogate partners.

These "dolls" were usually made of cloth, leather, or stone. Though primitive, they met the needs of the time.

By the 16th century, Dutch sailors, during their long voyages, started using simple dolls made of cloth and leather, called "Dutch wives," to alleviate their physical needs.

These early sex dolls, although rudimentary, represented human exploration of emotional and physical satisfaction in times of hardship.

An age-old sex doll.

In the 20th century, with the development of the rubber and plastic industries, the materials used for sex dolls improved significantly. Especially from the 1960s to the 1980s, the introduction of silicone materials greatly enhanced the texture and durability of sex dolls.

Silicone is soft, durable, and easy to clean, making sex dolls not only more realistic in appearance but also more practical. During this period, sex dolls began to enter the mass market and were gradually accepted by more people.

Today, the design and manufacturing technology of sex dolls have reached new heights. The use of TPE (thermoplastic elastomer) materials and artificial intelligence has made modern sex dolls not only unprecedentedly realistic in appearance and touch but also interactive to some extent.

Users can highly customize their dolls according to personal preferences, from hairstyles and skin tones to body shapes, even facial expressions and voices.

In today’s fast-paced life, more and more people are looking for ways to meet their physical needs and provide emotional companionship.

Love dolls, as a modern companion gradually being accepted and loved, are becoming a part of people's lives with their realistic appearance and personalized customization services.

However, for those new to or not deeply familiar with love dolls, they still hold a sense of mystery and curiosity.

This article will comprehensively answer common questions about love dolls and address your concerns regarding services from Linkdolls.

Whether you already own a love doll or are considering purchasing one, this guide will provide you with detailed answers and practical advice to help you better understand and use your cherished companion.

Let us uncover the mystery of love dolls together and step into a real and warm world, discovering how they can add color and happiness to your life.

A man fixing rational dolls.

How Durable Are Love Dolls?

The durability of love dolls is a significant concern for many potential buyers. After all, no one wants a companion that "expires" after just one use, right?

Modern love dolls, thanks to high-tech materials and advanced manufacturing processes, have significantly improved durability. With proper care, a love doll can last three to four years, showcasing impressive "stamina."

First, let’s talk about materials. Common materials such as silicone and TPE (thermoplastic elastomer) are like superheroes—soft, durable, and easy to clean. Silicone love dolls are particularly wear-resistant, making them "tough little fighters," while TPE dolls are more elastic and feel more like real human skin.

However, they also have their drawbacks. TPE (thermoplastic elastomer) is prone to staining from dark-colored clothing, especially after prolonged contact.

This means you need to be extra careful when choosing and using clothes, opting for light-colored or non-fading garments to reduce the risk of staining.

Moreover, the porous surface of TPE can easily absorb dust and dirt, making cleaning more challenging. Therefore, it requires regular cleaning with special cleansers for maintenance.

Silicone dolls, on the other hand, are harder than TPE, making them more durable but possibly less soft and realistic to the touch.

This means the joints of silicone dolls can be more prone to damage or loosening if not designed properly. Regularly checking and maintaining the joints of your doll is essential to timely repair any looseness or damage.

In conclusion, the durability of your doll ultimately depends on how well you take care of it. If you genuinely care for your doll, it will be like a loyal friend, accompanying you through many seasons.

A high-quality love doll, with good maintenance, can be a lasting and reliable "sweet companion" in your life.

Is Love doll safe?

There is no doubt that every doll purchased from Linkdolls is a product that has undergone strict quality assurance.

We always work with renowned brand suppliers to ensure that the materials used are completely harmless to human skin and delicate, sensitive areas.Love dolls are mainly made of the following two materials:

Medical Grade TPE

High quality silicone

The TPE material has passed a number of international safety certifications, such as FDA certification, to ensure that there is no harmful effect on human skin and sensitive areas.

Silicone material does not cause skin allergic reactions and is suitable for all skin types

TPE material is not only durable, but also easy to clean, just use warm water and neutral soap to keep it hygienic

High-quality silicone is an environmentally friendly material that does not contain any harmful chemicals and is harmless to the human body and the environment.

TPE materials are free of phthalates, a chemical commonly found in some plastics that has been shown to be potentially harmful to humans, making TPEs more suitable for use in products that come into direct contact with the skin.

Silicone is a polymer composed of silicon (Si) and oxygen (O) and is completely free of environmentally harmful chemicals.

According to studies conducted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), silicone materials do not release harmful substances and do not pollute the environment.

The Shore Hardness (SHORE) of TPE materials typically ranges from 0A to 100A, which indicates that TPEs can be adjusted in hardness as needed to achieve optimal softness and elasticity. The Shore Hardness data shows that the softness of TPEs can simulate the real touch of human skin.

Silicone materials are able to remain stable in temperatures ranging from -60°C to 250°C without releasing harmful substances.

This property allows silicone to be used in extreme conditions without risk to the user.


Each doll undergoes rigorous testing and quality control during the production process to ensure that its materials meet the highest safety standards.

Therefore, no matter which doll you choose, you can rest assured that you can enjoy the comfort and pleasure it brings without worrying about health issues. We are committed to providing you with a safe, reliable and quality product experience.

Why Are Love Dolls So Expensive?

The high cost of Love dolls has several underlying reasons you might not be aware of. Firstly, our Love dolls use advanced EVO skeleton materials, which significantly contribute to their cost.

The market price for EVO skeletons varies between $300 and $1000, accounting for almost a third to half of the total price of the doll.

The skeleton used in our Love dolls is not only sturdy and durable but also features interchangeable heads and movable joints, with each finger being flexible.

The wide range of motion in the hip area allows you to choose various positions, ensuring an experience akin to a real person.

Imagine wanting to pose your doll in a specific way, only to find it stiff and immovable—that would be quite disappointing! Our advanced skeleton design ensures this won’t happen.

Sex Doll Hand Skeleton

Additionally, our dolls are freshly made, not old stock gathering dust. We understand that you want a new, clean, high-quality product rather than an outdated doll forgotten in a warehouse.

Fresh production means that every detail undergoes strict quality control, ensuring that each doll you receive is perfect.

Of course, you get what you pay for. There are indeed cheaper Love dolls on the market, but you should think twice before purchasing them. These low-cost dolls often come with the risk of not matching the product description.

The beautiful images you see online might be entirely different from the actual product you receive.

Worse still, some low-priced products even use toxic materials, which is not only a threat to your health but also a betrayal of your trust.

Imagine spending hundreds of dollars on a cheap doll, only to find it looking like something out of a horror movie when you open the package. Such a loss would be hardly worth it.

Moreover, those cheap dolls cannot compare with our products in terms of details. Each of our dolls is meticulously crafted by experienced artisans, focusing on every detail, from the skin’s texture to the facial features, striving for perfection.

We hope that every customer feels not only material satisfaction but also spiritual joy when using our products.

inflatable doll

In summary, high-quality materials, fresh production, and exquisite details are the reasons you should choose us. Life is complicated enough—why not choose a product that you can truly trust? Choose Linkdolls for peace of mind and enjoyment.

Why Do I See Similar Love Dolls on Many Other Websites?

Linkdolls is a professional Love doll market, partnering with multiple top manufacturers and obtaining formal authorization to bring you the best comprehensive products through direct factory inspections.

As a supplier able to provide genuine factory photos, our transparency is unmatched in the market—we ensure you know exactly who is making your Love doll and where it’s coming from.

Factory Pictures

In contrast, some websites may display the same dolls and falsely claim to produce them. This deceptive practice undermines customer interests.

At Linkdolls, we promise you will know exactly what you’re buying and where it’s sourced, ensuring you get value for every penny spent.

Do You Accept Fully Customized Sex Dolls?

Absolutely! If you can’t find your desired doll in our existing design customization section, we can work with you to create a fully customized Love doll from scratch, meeting all your requirements.

Simply contact our online customer service, submit your requirements, the desired doll’s image, and your budget. The cost of original custom dolls typically ranges from $5,000 to $10,000, depending on size, materials, and customization extent.

We believe our custom services can offer endless possibilities:

  1. Appearance Customization:

    • Facial Features: Customize facial features such as eye color, eyebrow shape, and lip shape to create a unique look.
    • Hairstyle and Color: Choose your preferred hairstyle and color, including length, curliness, and color.
    • Body Proportion: Adjust body proportions based on preferences, such as breast size, hip curve, and waist details.
    • Skin Tone: Choose the desired skin tone, including the shade and texture.
  2. Function Customization:

    • Smart Interaction: Incorporate intelligent interaction systems for voice recognition and emotional response.
    • Heating System: Add heating features for a more realistic body temperature.
    • Movable Joints: Increase the number of movable joints to enhance flexibility and realism.
    • Sound and Expressions: Customize sound effects and facial expressions for a more lively and interesting doll.
    • Genital Texture and Depth: Customize the texture, tightness, and depth of the vaginal or penile and anal areas.

Whether it’s unique facial features, body proportions, or special material and function requirements, we strive to meet your needs. By working with us, you can own a fully personalized Love doll that perfectly meets your expectations and needs.

Factory customized sex dolls

Why Don’t You Sell Inflatable Toys?

While inflatable toys are indeed convenient for storage and folding, especially for users who need to move frequently or have limited space, their advantages end there.

Most inflatable toys on the market are made of PVC, which cannot compare to our high-end Love dolls in terms of sexual experience and satisfaction. We are dedicated to providing customers with the most realistic sexual experience, ensuring every customer feels true sexual pleasure.

First, let’s talk about material experience:

  • Unrealistic Touch: PVC material is relatively hard and cold, unlike TPE or silicone, which offer a softer, more human-like touch.
  • Low Comfort: PVC lacks the elasticity and softness of TPE or silicone, resulting in a less enjoyable experience.

Next, there’s the safety issue:

  • Harmful Chemicals: PVC production may include plasticizers like phthalates, which pose potential health risks, especially with long-term exposure.
  • Easy Damage: PVC inflatable dolls are prone to damage and leaks, with a shorter lifespan than TPE or silicone dolls.

Inflatable dolls also present maintenance and cleaning challenges:

  • Difficult to Clean: Cleaning PVC dolls is challenging, especially in complex internal areas, which can harbor bacteria and other microorganisms.
  • High Maintenance Costs: Due to their propensity for damage, users frequently need to repair or replace PVC dolls, increasing costs and inconvenience.

If you need portability, consider the mini torso dolls on our website. These dolls are not only easy to carry but also retain a high level of realism and satisfaction, making them a great alternative to inflatable toys.

We believe these dolls will surprise and satisfy you. Whether it’s comfort, touch, or overall sexual experience, we strive to provide the best to meet customer needs.

What Should I Do If My Doll Gets Damaged During Use?

Throughout the lifespan of your doll, you will enjoy our comprehensive maintenance support services.

This includes short emails and video tips introducing you to quick home repair methods. We provide detailed guidance to ensure you can easily master basic maintenance skills and keep your doll in optimal condition.

Of course, you can also choose to purchase specialized adhesive for bonding. Simply clean the torn area of the doll, apply the adhesive into the corresponding opening, gently press it together, and wait for a while.

For TPE dolls, you can also use a heat gun to melt the broken area at an appropriate temperature and then fuse it together. This method is relatively complex, but if you want the doll’s wound to look completely renewed, it’s worth trying.

This service is specifically provided for dolls purchased from Linkdolls. You need to provide proof of purchase to enjoy these supports. Our email and video tips cover solutions to common issues, from simple cleaning and maintenance to the replacement and repair of small parts.

Our goal is to ensure every customer can use Linkdolls products with peace of mind, enjoying long-lasting companionship and joy.

Choosing Linkdolls means not only buying a high-quality product but also receiving ongoing support and services. Whatever problem you encounter, we are here to help, ensuring your doll is always in its best state.

Examining the oral cavity of sex dolls

Is There an Easy Way to Clean the Doll?

When you spend a thousand or two thousand dollars on a high-quality Love doll, you definitely want to use it for a long time, not just for a one-time experience. Cleaning becomes especially important with repeated use.

Only correct and timely cleaning can ensure the longevity of the doll and your health and safety.

Thus, mastering efficient cleaning methods will not only keep your Love doll always fresh but also ensure the best experience every time you use it. Next, we will introduce a simple cleaning method for your Love doll, helping you maintain your precious investment with ease.

Simple Sponge Bath

This cleaning method is suitable for operation on a bed, table, or sofa. Although most doll sellers recommend a thorough cleaning every 1-2 weeks, this doesn’t mean you don’t need to perform simple dusting before each use during that period.

Imagine if a real partner only bathed every one or two weeks; you would also worry about their health. Therefore, a simple cleaning before each use ensures a fresh and comfortable experience every time.

green light


  1. Towels to lay under the Love doll and dry it off
  2. Waterproof mat if you choose to bathe it on the bed
  3. Soft, absorbent towels or sponges
  4. Mild, clear, non-abrasive soap or body wash
  5. A bucket
  6. Vaginal and anal irrigator
  7. Talcum powder, baby powder, or cornstarch if your Love doll is made of TPE

Step One - Prepare the Cleaning Area First, clear all items from the doll’s body, including jewelry and clothing. Then, lay a large towel or waterproof mat in the prepared area to keep your bed or sofa clean. Place a towel under the doll’s hips to absorb excess water.

Finally, move the doll’s legs to the edge of the bed. You can choose to bend and separate the doll’s legs, making it easier for you to thoroughly wipe and clean.

Step Two - Clean the Doll’s Vagina/Penis and Anus This part depends on whether the Love doll’s sexual organs are removable or not. If your Love doll has a removable vagina or penis, you can easily wash these parts with warm water and soap in a sink.

However, if your Love doll has fixed genitals or you are using the anal opening, follow these steps.

Remember the bucket we asked you to prepare? Fill it halfway with warm soapy water (remember, warm water, not too hot to avoid damaging both your skin and the doll’s). Place the bucket beside the bed under the doll’s vagina and anus.

Use the irrigator to fill with soapy water and repeatedly rinse the vagina. Repeat the same steps for the anal opening.

Wet a towel or sponge and apply soap, carefully wiping the external genital area of the doll, paying special attention to the folds of the labia. For male dolls, wipe around the testicles.

(Some doll suppliers offer more professional rinsing tools, making your cleaning more convenient.)

Sex Doll Cleanup Tool

Don’t forget the area around the anus and buttocks crevice. Through these meticulous steps, you can ensure every part of the Love doll is thoroughly cleaned and maintained, guaranteeing its long-term use and optimal experience.

Step Three - Rinse and Dry After multiple cleanings, empty the bucket and refill with clean water, then rinse repeatedly until no bubbles appear, and it no longer feels slippery from the soap.

Gently pat dry the doll’s genital area with a towel. Note, do not pull or tug, just pat dry. For the doll’s interior, you can use women's sanitary tampons, which are great for absorbing moisture.

Simply place them inside the vagina and anus and wait for them to absorb the water, or use a hair dryer’s cool setting to dry the openings.

Outside the mouth, anus and vagina

Step Four - Wipe the Doll’s Body The process is basically the same as before. Use your slightly damp towel or wrung-out sponge, prepare a bucket of soapy water or clean water, and lay the Love doll flat on your bed or table. Wipe from the head to the feet gently, as you would treat your lover.

Pay close attention to the folds around the doll’s lips, nose, and ears, as these areas are often overlooked but easily collect dust and bacteria.

The neck area should be treated the same, but ensure your towel or sponge is not dripping, as the neck has bolts that can rust if they get wet. Additionally, water could seep further into the doll and damage the skeleton.

Considering the doll’s price of $1,500, this is definitely an outcome you want to avoid.

After cleaning the head, you can wet the towel or sponge, make it more moist, and gently wipe. Don’t rush, it’s best to soak several times during use.

Focus on the following areas:

  • Underarms
  • Finger creases
  • Chest
  • Bends in the legs
  • Soles and between toes

Step Five - Apply Powder to Keep the Doll’s Skin Dry (for TPE Dolls) After cleaning, ensuring the doll is completely dry is crucial, especially for TPE dolls.

TPE material has high elasticity and softness but also absorbs moisture easily. Without proper treatment, this can lead to material damage and bacterial growth.

Once the doll is thoroughly dry, evenly sprinkle a layer of powder such as baby powder or cornstarch over its surface.

This not only absorbs residual moisture but also keeps the doll’s skin soft and smooth, enhancing the tactile comfort.

When applying, pour the powder into your hand and gently pat it onto the doll’s skin, especially on joints and other areas prone to friction. Ensure the powder covers the entire body evenly, reducing friction and increasing the lifespan.

The best way is to use a flocked powder puff or powder brush, minimizing powder waste and avoiding the hassle of cleaning up powder scattered on the floor or other areas.

Cleaning method

By following these steps, you can easily and efficiently clean your Love doll, ensuring it remains in like-new condition each time you use it. Regular cleaning not only extends the doll’s lifespan but also ensures your health and comfort.

Remember, proper cleaning and maintenance are key to protecting your investment and ensuring every experience is enjoyable and satisfying.

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced user, following these steps will help you easily maintain your Love doll, keeping it as perfect as the first time you used it.

How to Properly Use Lubricants

For those who have purchased or plan to purchase a Love doll, the importance of lubricants cannot be ignored.

Lubricants can significantly enhance comfort in various positions, simulate the natural lubrication effect of the human body, increase the realism and satisfaction of interaction, and reduce friction, providing a more natural and comfortable experience while avoiding discomfort and friction damage.

Additionally, suitable lubricants can reduce wear on TPE or silicone materials, extend the doll's lifespan, and keep it in good condition.

By properly using lubricants, you can not only enjoy a more pleasant experience but also better protect and maintain your Love doll.

Based on these reasons, we provide three suggestions on the use of lubricants to help you better understand and use your Love doll.


Suggestion 1: Distinguish the Properties of Your Lubricant

When buying and using a Love doll, choosing the right lubricant is crucial. Different types of lubricants have different properties and can affect the doll's material differently:

  • Water-Based Lubricants: These are the most common and recommended types because they do not damage TPE or silicone materials and are easy to clean.

    Water-based lubricants provide gentle lubrication and do not chemically react with the doll's material, making them ideal for daily use.

    However, water-based lubricants can become sticky as the water evaporates during use, requiring frequent reapplication.

    You can refresh it by adding a few drops of water to resolve any stickiness issues.

  • Silicone-Based Lubricants: Avoid using these on TPE dolls, as they may cause damage to the TPE material.

    For silicone dolls, silicone-based lubricants provide long-lasting lubrication and do not dry out easily, suitable for prolonged use. They are also hypoallergenic, making them ideal for sensitive skin.

    Due to the difficulty in cleaning, users need to pay extra attention to maintenance. It's recommended to consult Linkdolls customer service before purchasing a Love doll to check if it suits the doll material you plan to buy.

  • Oil-Based Lubricants: Generally not recommended as they can break down the structure of TPE and silicone materials.

    Oil-based lubricants tend to leave residues, are difficult to clean, and long-term use may lead to material degradation and damage.

When choosing lubricants, be sure to carefully read product labels to understand their ingredients and ensure they are suitable for your doll's material.

If you're concerned, you can perform a small patch test on an inconspicuous area of the doll before full-body use to observe any adverse reactions.

Suggestion 2: Avoid Lubricants with Certain Ingredients

When reading lubricant labels, it's advisable to avoid products containing parabens, petroleum, and any fragrances or perfumes, as these can irritate the skin.

Particularly, if you are prone to yeast infections, ensure your water-based lubricant does not contain glycerin.

This ingredient, a byproduct of sugar, can alter the pH balance in the vaginal or penile subcutaneous crevices by promoting yeast growth, leading to infections.

Overall, avoid products claiming to provide warming or heating sensations, as these are likely irritants that can cause tissue burns—that's why they feel warm!

Additionally, do not use food or whipped cream as lubricants; while your doll can be your sweetheart, it should not be treated as a dessert, which can cause irritation and increase the risk of infections.


Suggestion 3: Use an Appropriate Amount of Lubricant

In sexual activities, using an appropriate amount of lubricant is crucial. Too much or too little can negatively impact the experience and health—initially use about 5ml.

If you feel dry or experience friction discomfort, you can gradually add a small amount of lubricant. Each time, add a few drops to half a teaspoon (2-3 ml) to ensure optimal lubrication.

  • Excessive Use:

    • Too much lubricant reduces friction between the genitals, lowering stimulation and pleasure, thus affecting the quality of sexual activity.

      Additionally, excessive lubricant can disrupt the acid-base balance of the vagina and penis, increasing the risk of infections and inflammation.

      Cleaning difficulties also arise, as residual lubricant can cause discomfort and increase the possibility of bacterial growth.
  • Insufficient Use:

    • Lack of sufficient lubricant increases friction, potentially causing discomfort, pain, or irritation, and can damage sensitive areas such as the vagina and glans.

      Small frictional injuries make it easier for pathogens to invade the body, increasing the risk of bacterial infections like vaginitis and urethral infections.

Proper use of lubricants can enhance the quality of sexual activities, protect the health of sexual organs, and prevent discomfort and potential health risks. Choosing the right lubricant and following the principle of using an appropriate amount is key to ensuring a healthy and enjoyable experience.



What Do the Doll's Genitals Look Like?

The appearance of a doll’s vagina and penis is very realistic, with clear vein patterns and skin textures, feeling soft and elastic.

Advanced coloring techniques make the vaginal and penile areas look naturally realistic, including subtle color variations that create a lifelike visual effect.

The internal structure of the doll is usually designed with spiral textures, producing a real-like tightness and suction during activity.

Typically, the depth ranges from 15 cm (about 6 inches) to 18 cm (about 7 inches). This design aims to simulate a real experience, providing a more realistic sexual sensation.

It's worth noting that most of our dolls are modeled after real humans, so the internal structure may vary depending on the specific model design.

If you want more detailed information or illustrations of the internal structure of a specific doll, please contact our customer service team.

Internal Vagina Pictures

Can a Love Doll Be Given as a Gift?

Absolutely! A Love doll is a highly personalized gift suitable for the right person. To ensure discretion and privacy when giving it as a gift, our dolls come in discreet packaging to avoid unnecessary embarrassment.

Each doll includes detailed instructions and maintenance support information to ensure the user can correctly use and care for it.

It's important to note that some states and countries/regions have specific restrictions on the sale and possession of Love dolls.

Therefore, before placing an order, please contact us so we can provide the necessary information to ensure you comply with local regulations.

How to Place an Order? What Payment Methods Are Available and Are They Secure?

Placing an order is very simple. First, browse our website to view the Love doll, torso, and toy collections. Each product has exquisite artistic images and detailed descriptions.

Once you find your desired doll, select the options you want, and then click the "Add to Cart" button near the product description.

The system will confirm that the doll has been added to your cart, and you can either continue shopping or proceed to checkout to make a purchase.

If you choose to checkout, you will be directed to a secure payment gateway to process the transaction.

We take extensive precautions to ensure that all monetary transactions made through our website are 100% secure. Our SSL certificate is updated to prevent various breaches.

For your convenience, we offer multiple payment methods, including debit cards, credit cards, and PayPal. You can see all supported payment methods and banks below the "Add to Cart" button.

Regardless of the payment method you choose, we ensure the security and privacy of the transaction, making your shopping experience easy and enjoyable.

payment method

Can Customers Pay in Installments?

Yes, we offer the option to purchase dolls through installment payments:

Linkdolls supports installment payments using credit cards. Please note that the specific process for installment payments needs to be handled directly with the card issuer. Unfortunately, PayPal does not currently support installment payment options.

Is Customer Information Confidential?

Absolutely! We highly value your privacy and understand the trust you place in us. Any details you provide are securely stored in our database, and no third party is allowed to access this information for email targeting or marketing purposes.

We promise to always uphold this commitment, ensuring your personal information remains completely confidential. Your privacy is of utmost importance to us.

Do You Ensure Discreet Shipping?

Firstly, we offer private packaging services. This means your Love doll will be shipped in a box without any product-related information displayed on the outside. We highly regard customer privacy and confidentiality, and we take these measures to ensure your purchase remains discreet and private.

If you have any additional privacy concerns or special requests, please let us know, and we will provide the appropriate support and services.

Moreover, if you use a credit card, the billing information will not display any details about the doll, only our company name, to maintain discretion.

Your privacy and shopping experience are extremely important to us, and we will do our best to ensure your information is secure and the shopping process is smooth.

Privacy Shipment

How Long Will It Take to Complete My Order?

After you place an order, we will send the order details to the production team and approve the start of your doll's production.

Typically, it takes about 10 to 20 days to produce a full-body Love doll. For torso Love dolls, the time is slightly shorter, usually within a week, ensuring perfect quality.

Once the doll is completed, we will send you photos for review. Upon your approval and agreement to ship, we will provide you with a tracking number so you can prepare to receive the package.

This process ensures that the product meets your expectations and allows you to track the order status and shipping progress at any time.

Regarding delivery times, here are our estimated shipping times:

  1. USA: Usually takes 3-7 business days to arrive.
  2. Other regions: Usually takes 7-14 business days to arrive.

Please note that some products and inventory in the USA may take 7-14 days to clear. This means that in some cases, you may need to wait a while to receive your order.

We will do our best to ensure orders are delivered as quickly as possible, but please understand that delays may occur. If you have any questions about the shipping status of your order, please contact our customer service team at Linkdolls, and we will do our best to resolve any issues.

What Are Your Shipping Costs?

The shipping policy of is as follows:

  1. Free shipping within the USA.
  2. If you are located outside the USA, please contact us for more information about shipping costs. Fees will be based on the shipping destination of the doll and are generally very low.

How Can I Track My Order?

You can use the tracking number we provide to check your logistics information on the website’s homepage.

The operation is very simple—enter the tracking number in the designated area (refer to the image below) on the website homepage to view the current logistics status and the estimated delivery time of your order.

Tracking Orders


Can I Get a Refund? Can I Cancel My Order?

We support an unconditional return and refund policy within 30 days, provided the following conditions are met:

  1. The returned item must be in its original condition: This means the item must be in a transparent sealed bag and placed in a carton. The transparent bag helps to maintain the item's original condition.

  2. The item must be returned in its original state: The original seal of the item must be intact, and the transparent bag must not be damaged. We never sell unpackaged or used products, so it is essential to ensure the item is undamaged.

  3. The item must not be damaged during the return shipping process: The returned item must remain undamaged and intact during return shipping.

Think of it like underwear—no one wants to use a Love doll that has already been used by someone else. Please understand the importance of these conditions to ensure we can offer unconditional returns and refunds.

If you need to return or cancel your order, please contact our customer service team for more detailed information and support.

Packing of dolls


What If I Cannot Sign for the Package on the Scheduled Delivery Date?

To ensure safe and prompt delivery, we partner with FedEx, UPS, and DHL. If you are unable to sign for the package in person, with your permission, we can contact the carrier to hold your package at a nearby store or shipping center for you to pick up.

We can provide the names of our partner carriers so you can discuss other delivery options.

Additionally, here are common solutions to delivery issues:

  • If the tracking number is invalid, please inform us immediately. We will contact the logistics company and promptly provide the correct tracking number.

  • If the package shows as delivered but you haven’t received it, it may have been stolen. In such cases, you need to cooperate with us to prove the situation.

    With your cooperation, we will request compensation from the corresponding logistics company and either resend the item or process a refund based on your preference.

Recommendations for High-Quality Love Doll Brands

With the development of technology and the growing market demand, the Love doll industry has experienced unprecedented prosperity.

In 2024, top Love doll brands continue to break through in materials, design, and technology, bringing users the ultimate experience and perfect companionship.

These brands not only strive for realistic appearances but also focus on touch and interactive experiences, ensuring every detail meets users' fantasies and needs.

Here, we introduce the top 6 Love doll brands of 2024, helping you make an informed choice and enjoy the perfect companion experience.

WM Love Doll

wm doll

WM Love Doll is a globally renowned top brand known for its exquisite craftsmanship and high-quality materials.

The dolls from this brand have extremely realistic appearances and textures, made from high-end TPE or silicone materials to ensure every detail is lifelike.

WM Love Doll not only meticulously sculpts facial expressions and body curves but also offers various customization options to meet the personalized needs of different users, aiming to provide the most realistic and pleasurable companion experience.


  • Wide variety of models with over 500 head types and multiple body sizes to choose from
  • Appeals to Western users
  • Guaranteed quality from a major brand
  • Outstanding designs


  • Production time may be longer compared to other manufacturers
  • Some models have poorly positioned vaginal and anal openings

Irontech Love Doll

Irontech Love Doll

Irontech Doll gained widespread attention in 2018, known for its unique artistic style. The brand’s dolls feature beautiful Western faces, realistic bodies, and high-quality materials, making them popular among users.

Whether you prefer a voluptuous white or black doll, Irontech Doll can meet your needs. Their new silicone dolls have even more realistic facial details, offering users a more lifelike companion experience.


  • Thick silicone bodies suitable for those who like BBW figures
  • Designs that balance reality and fantasy
  • The Real Lady series uses real human models


  • Their TPE heads may not suit everyone
  • Photos can sometimes overly enhance their dolls' appearance

YL Love Doll

YL Love Doll

If you appreciate the quality of WM dolls, you’ll also love YL Love Doll. YL and WM Love Doll are produced in the same factory, sharing many similarities.

However, YL focuses more on fantasy styles, especially with distinctive large breast and hip designs. If you’re fond of such designs, YL dolls are definitely worth a look.


  • High-quality materials
  • Realistic and charming faces
  • Various fantasy-themed dolls (e.g., elf style, vampire style)


  • Dolls often have very large breasts with a very slim waist, which may look unrealistic, though this might not be a bad thing for everyone

SE Love Doll

SE Love Doll

An innovative and fresh brand, SE Love Doll is also produced in the same factory as WM, ensuring excellent quality.

Their dolls have very attractive facial makeup and they have launched a silicone professional series, continuing to innovate with realistic details and ROS mouths.


  • All heads and bodies use M16 bolts, compatible with the entire WM and YL product lines, allowing interchangeability between the three brands
  • Exquisite and dreamy makeup
  • Detailed and comprehensive doll photos
  • Offers premium customer support


  • Makeup may gradually fade on TPE material (this is unavoidable)
  • Some older body styles may look outdated

Climax Love Doll

Climax Love Doll

Founded in China in 2017, Climax Doll quickly established a foothold in the adult toy market with exquisite craftsmanship and high-quality products.

The brand is dedicated to providing customers with the most realistic and comfortable experience. Each Love doll is meticulously designed and rigorously tested to ensure its realistic appearance and feel, meeting the needs of different users.

Climax Doll strives for perfection in material selection, using high-quality silicone and TPE materials to make the products more realistic and durable. They also focus on detailed processing, such as realistic skin textures and dreamy doll designs.


  • Wide range of models
  • Includes torso sex dolls with unique and attractive designs
  • Affordable prices
  • Dolls with body shapes ranging from small-breasted to voluptuous


  • Full-body dolls' faces lack distinctive features

Piper Love Doll

Piper Love Doll

Piper Doll, founded by renowned designer Mizuwali, is a high-quality realistic doll brand. Mizuwali was formerly the representative of Dollhouse168 and designed many popular TPE dolls for that brand.

Piper Doll's design philosophy is to create "the most perfect doll," with a key feature being the seamless connection between the head and body, making the dolls more visually realistic.


  • Uses the highest quality TPE and silicone materials, compliant with RoHS, CE, and FDA standards, ensuring safety and non-toxicity
  • Known for its seamless design, with no visible seams between the head and body, providing a more realistic appearance
  • Equipped with advanced EVO skeletons


  • Fragile and soft metal wire fingers
  • Lack of innovation in styles

Recommended Love Doll Models

Finally, for customers purchasing dolls for the first time, the various styles might be overwhelming or difficult to choose from.

Therefore, before buying a doll, we recommend considering the size of the doll or toy first. Do you prefer a handheld toy or something more like a small pillow?

Next, you can visit our torso and male masturbator sections to see if you need something larger and more realistic. If so, we suggest visiting our realistic Love doll section via the homepage categories, where you can choose from various sizes, shapes, and styles of dolls.

This process helps narrow down your options based on type, price, and brand manufacturer, helping you find the ideal Love doll that meets your needs.

Of course, we also have the following quality dolls for your reference:

F2344-151cm(4.9ft)-65kg M Cup BBW Jasmine Huge Breast Silicone Head Sex Doll | Climax Doll Pro

With drool-worthy curves, this young girl is a perfect combination of body and soul. Her breasts are full and plump, blossoming like flowers, warm and seductive.

The 116cm full curve of her chest is heart-stirring, seemingly whispering unique tenderness and desire. And her 155cm full buttocks tempt your gaze, eliciting waves of pleasure with every gentle pat.

Whether it's the delicate touch or the deep experience, it will bring you an unprecedented realistic feeling. Welcome this sexy girl to be your private companion and share unique and wonderful moments.


F1226-160cm I Cup Zara Black Lady Sex Doll | Irontech Doll

She is a graceful black goddess with enchanting curves and unique charm. Standing at 160 cm, with a waist of 66 cm and hips of 105 cm, her body lines are beautiful and full, exuding unique allure.

Her bust is 98 cm, presenting enchanting curves and sexy fullness. The vaginal depth of 16 cm and anal depth of 14 cm provide an unprecedented realistic experience.

As your private companion, she will satisfy your every desire and fantasy. Her black skin exudes health and vitality, captivating you.

Whether it's the delicate touch or the deep experience, it will immerse you in unparalleled pleasure. This black sex doll is not just a gift but a perfect combination of body and soul, bringing you unique and wonderful moments.

F1226-160cm I Cup Zara Black Lady Sex Doll | Irontech Doll

T592(67.2lb) Black-BBW Luxury Sex Doll Torso | Gel Breasts & Big Ass Sex Doll Torso

With an ideal weight of 67.2 lbs, a full bust of 106 cm, and an enchanting butt of 102 cm, this sex doll torso features gel breasts and healthy bronze skin, providing the most realistic touch and visual enjoyment.

Every inch of the curve exudes temptation, satisfying all your fantasies of passion and desire. The perfect figure comparable to a supermodel will undoubtedly make your sex life more exciting.

She also features a tight anal design. The two channels with different internal textures simulate the real pleasure of vaginal and anal sex. If you want to experience the most realistic sexual stimulation, she is definitely a good choice.

sex doll torso

T588V-(16.09lb) Sex Doll Torso With Fully Automatic Cleaning: Sucking And Vibration Pussy

This doll combines the classic sucking and vibrating functions of a masturbator with a torso Love doll, allowing you to experience a feeling as close to real sex as possible each time you use it.

The 17.32-inch height with a 16.53-inch waist is meticulously designed, providing unprecedented realistic touch and visual enjoyment.

Notably, unlike ordinary Love dolls, this one features an automatic cleaning function.

The vaginal area can automatically expel dirt and fluids, ensuring hygiene after each use and avoiding the tedious manual cleaning steps, making your experience more relaxed and enjoyable.

Motorized sex doll torsos

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