male sex doll

Pleasure360°: A Guide to Male Sex Dolls In this fast-evolving era, female sexual autonomy and self-exploration are gradually becoming mainstream. At the same time, more and more homosexual individuals are actively exploring and fulfilling their own sexual and emotional needs. Whether for physical needs or emotional companionship, women and homosexual...

Pleasure360°: A Guide to Male Sex Dolls

In this fast-evolving era, female sexual autonomy and self-exploration are gradually becoming mainstream. At the same time, more and more homosexual individuals are actively exploring and fulfilling their own sexual and emotional needs.

Whether for physical needs or emotional companionship, women and homosexual individuals are seeking more diverse and personalized solutions.

Male sex dolls have emerged in this context, gradually becoming a part of many women’s and homosexual individuals’ lives.

This guide aims to delve into the design features, user experience, and practical advice on purchasing and maintaining male sex dolls, helping women and homosexual friends find the most suitable sex doll to make their lives more enjoyable and fulfilling.

Whether you are a curious explorer of new experiences or a seeker of emotional companionship, Linkdolls will provide you with comprehensive guidance, leading you into a whole new world.

Factories making male sex dolls

Why Buy a Male Sex Doll

1.Definition of a Male Sex Doll

A male sex doll is a highly realistic human model designed specifically for female users or homosexual individuals, typically made of high-quality silicone or TPE materials, offering realistic appearance and touch.

These dolls not only feature lifelike muscles, customizable facial features, and body proportions but also come with movable joints, heating functions, and sound systems for interactive features, aiming to provide sexual satisfaction and emotional companionship.

Users can purchase them through professional online stores and enjoy personalized customization services.

Male sex dolls are easy to clean and maintain, with a long lifespan, and they provide psychological and emotional support, alleviating feelings of loneliness. As technology advances, the realism and interactivity of these dolls will continuously improve, offering users richer experiences.

2.Significance of Male Sex Dolls

Improving Masturbation Experience: For women and the LGBTQ+ community, masturbation is not something to be ashamed of. Exploring one’s body and seeking pleasure is very normal and healthy.

 In nature, the sexual experience for most female species is often painful or merely for reproduction, but human females, as a species, share the same sexual pleasure as men. This is not without meaning. For male homosexuals, masturbation is also a natural and healthy way to explore their sexual needs and pleasure.

In this process, a male sex doll provides a safe, private, and diverse choice. Using a male sex doll can greatly enhance the masturbation experience, offering more options and possibilities.

Modern technological developments have brought sex dolls to new heights in terms of touch, appearance, and functionality. High-quality silicone or TPE materials make the dolls’ touch realistic, with detailed skin textures and lifelike muscle design, providing an ultimate sense of realism.

Advanced technologies like heating functions and movable joints further bring the doll’s user experience closer to real human interaction.

Enhancing Interaction for Same-Sex Couples: Using a male sex doll can be a way for same-sex couples to explore each other’s sexual preferences together.

By using the doll together, couples can better understand each other’s preferences and needs, increasing intimacy and mutual understanding. This shared exploration process can bring not only sexual satisfaction but also strengthen communication and trust.

Moreover, male sex dolls can help couples achieve various role-playing and sexual fantasies. Through the doll, couples can try different roles and scenarios to fulfill each other’s sexual fantasies.

This can not only add fun to their sex life but also help both parties better express and achieve their sexual desires, enhancing their intimate relationship.

homosexual couple

Design and Features of Male Sex Dolls

1.Material Selection

Differences Between TPE and Silicone:

  • Cleaning: TPE material is more porous than silicone, making it easier to absorb dust and dirt, hence relatively more difficult to clean. It requires special cleaning agents and disinfectants and needs to be thoroughly dried after cleaning.

    TPE material is softer compared to silicone, necessitating regular use of baby powder or cornstarch to maintain smoothness and dryness, preventing stickiness and greasiness.

  • Price: Due to easier cleaning and maintenance, silicone material is generally more expensive in the market. The average price ranges from 2000 to 4000, with high-end models reaching higher prices.

    TPE male sex dolls have an average market price of 1500 to 3000, suitable for budget-conscious users.

  • Weight: TPE material is relatively lighter, making TPE dolls lighter overall and easier to handle and use.

    Silicone material is denser, so silicone dolls are usually heavier. This adds to the doll's stability and realism but makes them harder to move and transport.

With technological advancement, the weight of dolls is constantly being optimized and reduced. Let’s talk about the upgrades in weight reduction materials.

High-Quality Lightweight Material Upgrades: Based on the needs of different parts, our male sex dolls optimize weight by carefully adjusting the density of the fillings. For instance, in the arms and legs, lighter fillings are used, significantly reducing weight while maintaining natural softness and elasticity.

In the torso and buttocks, slightly heavier filling materials are used to ensure these key areas maintain realism and necessary weight and balance. This design makes the dolls easier to move while still providing an extremely realistic touch and experience.

Additionally, our dolls use advanced lightweight skeleton technology. By using high-grade EVO lightweight materials, we have created a skeleton structure that is both sturdy and flexible. This skeleton not only provides enough support for the doll to pose naturally but also significantly reduces overall weight.

The high strength and lightweight characteristics of EVO materials ensure the doll's durability during prolonged use, while also making it easier and more convenient for users to move and store them.

This innovative design and material selection make our male sex dolls lighter and easier to operate while maintaining high realism and ease of use. Whether for daily use or cleaning and maintenance, users can enjoy great convenience and comfort.

2.Appearance Design

Body Proportions: Linkdolls' male sex dolls focus on diversity in design to meet various user preferences and needs. We offer a variety of body proportions, from slim athletic types to muscular bodybuilding types, ensuring every user can find their favorite style.

Each doll’s body details are meticulously sculpted, with muscle lines and body curves carefully treated to achieve realistic visual and tactile effects.

For example, athletic dolls feature tight muscles and slender limbs, suitable for users who prefer slim physiques, while bodybuilding dolls showcase developed chest, abdominal muscles, and strong arms, suitable for users who prefer a sense of power and muscularity.

We also offer different height options, from shorter to taller statures, allowing users to choose based on their preferences and needs.

Facial Features: The facial features of the dolls are equally diverse, covering different face shapes, eye shapes, and nose contours. Linkdolls selects manufacturers who have conducted in-depth research on various facial structures, ensuring each doll has unique charm and personality.

For example, you can choose dolls with sharp jawlines and deep-set eyes or those with soft facial contours and gentle eyes. Our goal is to provide a variety of choices to meet different users' aesthetic standards and preferences.

Male sex dolls offer rich customization options, including eye color, eyebrow shape, and beard style. Users can choose different eye colors and shapes, from deep blue, warm brown to clear green.

Eyebrows' shapes and colors can also be adjusted to users' preferences, ensuring overall facial harmony and aesthetics.

Additionally, users can choose whether to add a beard and its style and shape, from fashionable stubble to classic full beards, to meet users' personalized needs.

Resin Eyeballs

Hairstyles: Users can choose from various hairstyles, including short hair, curly hair, long hair, and even bald styles. We offer multiple color choices, from natural black, brown, and blonde to trendy red, blue, and silver, satisfying users' various preferences.

Each hairstyle is made from high-quality synthetic fibers or real human hair, ensuring realistic touch and appearance.

Skin Tone: The doll’s skin tone is also an important customization option. We provide multiple shades from light to dark, including ivory white, healthy wheat color, and chocolate brown.

Users can choose the most suitable skin tone based on their aesthetic standards. Each skin tone is treated with high-quality pigments and craftsmanship, ensuring natural and realistic color that does not fade easily.

3. Features and Functions

Flexible Joints and Movable Parts

Our male sex doll is equipped with advanced flexible joints and movable parts designed to provide realistic movements and postures. Each joint is meticulously designed and tested to ensure smooth movement in various angles and directions.

The main joints, such as the shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, knees, and ankles, can move freely, allowing the doll to assume various natural poses, whether sitting, standing, lying down, kneeling, or other complex positions.

This flexible joint design not only enhances the doll's realism but also offers users more interactive fun.

You can pose the doll in different ways according to your needs and imagination, whether for companionship, photography, or other creative uses. The flexible joint design can meet your various needs.

Additionally, this design makes it easier for users to clean and maintain the doll, enhancing convenience and comfort in use.

Versatility of the Penis

Appearance of the Penis: The doll's penis surface is covered with realistic veins, created through 3D scanning and high-precision molds, naturally and visibly distributed. The veins' three-dimensional texture and contours are finely processed, presenting a realistic relief effect.

The penis surface also has delicate skin folds, imitating the texture and feel of real skin, mainly concentrated around the base, shaft, and below the glans. The folds are designed considering the skin's relaxation and tension in different states, ensuring a realistic touch during use.

Sex Doll Penis Details

The color of the penis is gradient, transitioning from the base to the glans to simulate the real skin tone transition. The design of the glans is particularly detailed, with a slightly darker color than the shaft, featuring natural color differences and luster.

The glans' corona is distinct, with clear edges and a fine texture on the surface, enhancing the tactile realism. Multiple layers of coloring techniques showcase the skin's depth and subtle color variations.

Penis Size Options: We understand that every user's needs and preferences are unique, so our male sex doll also offers custom penis size options to meet various personalized needs. Users can choose different sizes and states of the penis according to their preferences and needs.

Relaxed State: Provides a natural relaxed state option, realistically simulating a natural male state. Erect State: Offers three sizes: small, medium, and large, as follows:

  • Small: 4-5 inches (approximately 10-12 cm)
  • Medium: 6-7 inches (approximately 15-18 cm)
  • Large: 8-9 inches (approximately 20-23 cm)

These customization options ensure that each user can choose the most suitable doll details according to their needs and preferences, enhancing the overall experience. We are committed to providing the most realistic and satisfying product in terms of appearance, touch, and functionality.

Through these detailed customization options, we ensure that every doll can perfectly match the user's personal preferences and fantasies, reflecting the user's unique tastes and needs in every detail. This personalized design not only enhances the doll's realism and user experience but also brings more fun and satisfaction to the user.

Detachable and Replaceable Penis: The detachable design allows users to replace different sizes, shapes, or hardness of the penis to meet different usage scenarios and personal preferences. Whether pursuing different sizes or trying different shapes, this design provides great flexibility and variety.

Most of the penises on male sex dolls use thread or buckle connections. You just need to observe carefully near the base, find the connection point, and rotate counterclockwise to remove and replace the corresponding part.

For detachable penis designs, this makes cleaning and maintenance simpler and more efficient. After use, users can easily detach the penis for cleaning, ensuring it stays hygienic and clean. Compared to non-detachable designs, this method reduces cleaning difficulty and improves overall hygiene standards.

Removable male sex doll penis

Ribbed Anus Designed for Gay Men

This design mimics the structure of a real anus, with the interior covered with a series of fine ribbed textures. These ribbed textures not only enhance friction but also effectively stimulate sensitive areas, providing more intense pleasure.

The ribbed anus is also made of high-quality TPE or silicone materials, which are soft and elastic, with a touch close to real skin. The design fully considers ergonomics, accommodating different sizes of insertable items and maintaining comfort and safety during use.

Additionally, due to its easy-to-clean and maintain characteristics, it ensures that it can easily return to a hygienic state after each use, providing users with a continuous pleasurable experience.

In summary, the ribbed anus designed for men, through meticulous texture design and high-quality materials, offers an ultimate realism and comfort, significantly enhancing the overall experience.

Buying Guide for Male Sex Dolls

1.Choosing the Right Brand

Introduction to Well-Known Brands in the Market

Choosing the right male sex doll brand is a crucial step in ensuring product quality and user experience. Here are introductions to some well-known brands in the market, known for their excellence in male sex doll design and manufacturing:

  • Irontech Doll: Established in 2015, Irontech Doll is a renowned adult doll designer and manufacturer based in Zhongshan, China. The brand is known for its pursuit of beauty and realism, dedicated to creating highly attractive and high-quality sex dolls.

    Irontech Doll's product line includes dolls made of TPE and silicone, with each doll meticulously designed to achieve the highest level of realism and aesthetics.

    Their male sex dolls are highly realistic in appearance and touch, with advanced skeletal structures inside, capable of assuming various natural poses to meet different user needs.

  • WM Doll: WM Doll is another prestigious brand in the sex doll market, especially known for its high-quality TPE dolls. WM Doll's male sex dolls are exquisitely designed, featuring realistic skin textures and detailed body features. 

    The brand offers various customization options, including hairstyles, skin tones, and facial features, allowing users to create unique dolls according to their preferences.

    WM Doll's dolls are also equipped with flexible joints and movable parts, making them more realistic and interactive during use.

  • Qita Doll: Qita Doll is another brand worth noting, known for its high cost-effectiveness and excellent realism. Qita Doll's male sex dolls are also made of TPE, focusing on detailed sculpting and realistic touch.

    Qita Doll offers a wide range of customization options, allowing users to choose different hairstyles, skin tones, and penis sizes to meet various personal needs.

    The brand's dolls are durable, easy to clean, and maintain, ensuring users get the best experience during use.

    Male sex dolls

How to Choose a Reputable Doll Supplier

Choosing a reputable doll supplier is crucial to ensuring the quality and service experience of your purchase. Here are some key factors and steps to help you find a reliable supplier:

  • Check Partnerships with Major Doll Manufacturers: First, check whether the supplier cooperates with well-known major doll manufacturers. These manufacturers typically include Irontech Doll, WM Doll, and Qita Doll.

    Suppliers who partner with these major brands can usually provide high-quality products and ensure their authenticity.

  • Factory Inspections: Ensure the supplier has conducted factory inspections. Factory inspections indicate the supplier's attention to the product source and strict quality control.

    Such suppliers usually display factory inspection photos and reports on their websites or promotional materials to increase transparency and credibility.

  • Clear Product Detail Photos: Carefully review the product photos on the website to ensure the details are clear. This includes facial features, skin textures, joint structures, etc.

    Clear, high-quality photos show the supplier's attention to product details and help you better evaluate the product quality.

  • Customer Service Response Speed and Attitude: Test the supplier's customer service response speed and attitude. Quality customer service includes quickly responding to your inquiries, providing detailed information, and offering assistance during the purchase process.

    You can test this by sending emails or using online chat.

  • Quality Return and Exchange Service and After-Sales Support: Understand the supplier's return and exchange policy and after-sales service. Reputable suppliers usually offer flexible return and exchange policies and long warranty periods to ensure you have no worries after purchase.

    They should also have clear after-sales support channels for timely assistance if you encounter any issues.

By considering these factors, you can choose a reputable doll supplier. Linkdolls is an excellent doll website that collaborates with multiple major doll manufacturers and has conducted factory inspections to ensure product quality.

Linkdolls provides clear product detail photos, quick customer service responses, and quality return and exchange services with comprehensive after-sales support. Choosing Linkdolls ensures you will enjoy the most reliable service and the most realistic and high-quality dolls.

2.5 Recommended Male Sex Dolls

F3880-167cm/5ft5 Bearded Dad Male TPE Body Silicone Head Sex Doll | HR Doll

Immerse yourself in a world of romance and art with this unique and captivating male sex doll. This perfect companion not only has a charming appearance but also exudes a literary aura that is hard to resist.

What makes this doll stand out is his captivating beanie and scarf, adding a touch of artistic flair. His beard and blue eyes are instantly endearing, radiating an indescribable melancholic charm, as if a soulful poet is waiting to share his secrets with you.

His penis measures 11.5cm/4.5” in diameter and 17cm/6.7” in length, providing an extremely realistic and satisfying experience. Standing 167cm/5ft5 tall and weighing 47kg/103.6lbs, he has a well-proportioned body and an intoxicating height.

His feet, measuring 26cm/10.2”, are sturdy and strong, making him look natural and comfortable in any position. Whether as a companion or an art piece, he will add endless joy and passion to your life.

Let him be your literary lover, bringing you infinite romance and pleasure.




Penis diameter11.5cm/4.5

Penis length17cm/6.7


Features: Classic sex positions; cowgirl style; muscular body


Implanted hair

Realistic skeleton feel

Highly realistic facial proportions


X Somewhat heavy, not easy for women to move

X No openable mouth

Overall Rating: ★★★★☆

male sex doll

F120-176cm/5ft9 Silicone Male Sex Doll Wild Man Felix-Irontech Doll

Step into a world filled with history and romance with this medieval charming knight male sex doll. He not only has an enchanting appearance but also an irresistible sense of power and realism. This perfect companion is destined to be your dream lover.

Standing at 176cm/5ft9 and weighing 47kg/103.6lbs, he has a robust yet well-proportioned body.

With a chest circumference of 98cm/38.5'', underbust of 90cm/35.4'', waist of 85cm/33.4'', and hips of 99cm/38.9'', every inch of his skin is meticulously sculpted, showcasing an impressive level of realism.

With a shoulder width of 47cm/18.5'', arm length of 65cm/25.5'', and leg length of 91cm/35.8'', his details are flawless, like a finely crafted piece of art.

This doll has flowing brown hair, reminiscent of a valiant medieval knight, exuding charm. His muscle lines are pronounced but not exaggerated, perfectly displaying the combination of strength and beauty.

His strong arms are filled with power, ready to protect you at any crucial moment.

Choose this medieval knight male sex doll; he is not just a companion in your life but also your dream protector, bringing you endless romance and passion.


Height 176cm/5ft9



Arm length65cm/25.5''


Features: Classic sex positions; cowgirl style; muscular body


Pronounced muscles

Detachable penis

Multiple customization options


X Tall height, not easy to move

Overall Rating: ★★★★☆

male sex doll

F121 -George 176 Cm Black Hair Male Sex Doll & Fantasy Prince-Irontech Doll

Meet our irresistible pilot, designed to ignite your deepest fantasies and satisfy your wildest desires. At 176cm (5ft9) tall, this irresistible handsome figure boasts a 98cm (38.5'') exquisite chest circumference, 90cm (35.4'') firm underbust, and an 85cm (33.4'') perfect waist.

His broad shoulders measure 47cm (18.5''), outlining a figure that is both alluring and authoritative. His athletic build continues with a 99cm (38.9'') captivating hip circumference and 55cm (21.6'') enticing thigh circumference, ensuring a strong presence that will make your heart race.

Weighing just 47kg (103.6lbs), he is perfectly balanced for various intimate positions, offering limitless passionate experiences. His arm length of 65cm (25.5'') and leg length of 91cm (35.8'') enhance his realistic proportions, making him the ultimate companion for your desires.

With foot dimensions of 27cm (10.6''), every inch of this male sex doll is designed for your pleasure. Enter a world of fantasy, where he sweeps you into his irresistible embrace with his charm and allure.

This is not just a male sex doll but the perfect companion to fulfill your deepest, most intimate desires.


Height 176cm/5ft9



Arm length65cm/25.5''


Features: Classic sex positions; cowgirl style; uniform temptation


Implanted hair

Detachable penis

Multiple customization options


X Tall height, not easy to move

Overall Rating: ★★★★☆

male sex doll

F232-Musical Talent 170cm/5ft7 Silicone Male Sex Doll -Irontech Doll

Introducing our musical prodigy, who not only has a perfect body but also exudes an irresistible charm that will ignite your desires. Standing at 170cm (5ft7), this handsome man with a 91cm (35.8'') captivating chest circumference and a slender waist will leave you breathless.

He has a perfectly proportioned body with shoulders measuring 43cm (16.9''), long arms ready to embrace you.

His firm buttocks and smooth thigh lines exude strong male charm, with every inch of his skin meticulously detailed to make you feel as if you are in close contact with a real person.

This musical prodigy not only looks handsome but also has a pair of slender 24cm (9.4'') feet, bringing you endless passion and fantasy. Whether you want to enjoy gentle caresses or moments of intense passion, he can satisfy your every desire.

Come and experience the charm of this man, let him play the most moving melodies for you, and take you into an unparalleled dream world.

Every night, he will bring you the deepest satisfaction and joy with his gentle yet powerful hands.





Arm length62cm/24.4


Features: Classic sex positions; cowgirl style; muscular body


Lightweight design

Realistic skeleton feel

Highly realistic facial proportions


X Suitable for those who do not prefer muscular bodies

Overall Rating: ★★★★★

male sex doll

F118 -Fernando Black Rapper 170cm/5ft7 Silicone Male Sex Doll -Irontech Doll

He not only has an eye-catching appearance but also exudes an irresistible wild charm. Standing at 170cm (5ft7), his perfect body and dreadlock hairstyle complement each other, with a 91cm (35.8'') chest circumference and a slender waist, making you fall in love at first sight.

His strong shoulders, measuring 43cm (16.9''), provide endless security and warmth with each embrace.

His smooth thigh lines and firm buttocks are a perfect combination of strength and sensuality. Paired with a gold chain, he exudes a unique style and charm that you can't resist.

His long arms, measuring 62cm (24.4''), seem tailored for you, able to embrace you perfectly. Whether it's gentle caresses or passionate encounters, he will make you experience ultimate satisfaction.

His slender feet, measuring 24cm (9.4''), bring you endless fantasies and passion.

This male sex doll is not only the ultimate object of your desire but also a companion to make your dreams come true.

Every night, he will use his strong yet gentle hands to bring you the deepest pleasure and satisfaction. Come and experience this wild charm, let him ignite the desire in your heart, and take you into an unparalleled dream world.





Arm length62cm/24.4


Features: Classic sex positions; cowgirl style


Good skin texture

Lightweight design

Highly realistic facial proportions


X Average arm lines

Overall Rating: ★★★★☆

Black skin male sex doll
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