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Dolls Info&Qustions

Troubleshooting Common Issues with Sex Dolls upon Arrival and Effective Solutions

by guanluna 10 Feb 2024 0 Comments

Acquiring a sex doll can be a thrilling experience, but occasional issues may arise upon their arrival. This blog aims to guide you through common problems such as breast collapse, skin damage, nipple discoloration, and vaginal color fading, providing practical solutions for each concern.

1. Dealing with Breast Collapse: Issue: Sometimes, sex doll breasts may appear deflated or collapsed due to packaging and shipping.

Solution: Place the doll facing down on two chairs or stools, allowing gravity to naturally correct the breast shape. Use a hot towel or a hairdryer to soften the TPE or silicone, aiding in the restoration process.

2. Addressing Skin Damage: Issue: Skin damage may occur during transit, leading to scratches or small tears.

Solution: For minor scratches, use TPE repair kits to mend the damaged areas. Larger tears may require professional repair services, and contacting the manufacturer for guidance is advisable.

3. Resolving Nipple Discoloration: Issue: Discoloration of the nipples can happen due to various factors, including friction during transit.

Solution: Gently clean the nipples with a mild soap solution and a soft cloth. Avoid direct sunlight exposure, and consider applying a small amount of silicone or TPE-compatible makeup to restore the original color.

4. Handling Vaginal Color Fading: Issue: The color of the doll's vagina may fade over time or during shipping.

Solution: Prevent sunlight exposure to the vaginal area to slow down fading. Use a TPE or silicone-friendly vaginal coloring kit, following the provided instructions to achieve the desired color.

5. Preventing Future Issues: To minimize the risk of these issues, consider the following precautions:

a. Optimal Storage: Store your sex doll upright in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. b. Appropriate Cleaning: Use recommended cleaning products to maintain the doll's integrity. c. Regular Maintenance: Periodically inspect and clean your doll to address potential issues promptly.

Encountering challenges with your sex doll upon arrival can be disheartening, but many issues have straightforward solutions. By following the suggested steps and taking preventative measures, you can enhance your overall experience with your sex doll and ensure a long-lasting, satisfying relationship. If significant concerns persist, don't hesitate to reach out to the manufacturer for professional guidance and support.

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