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What To Do With Your Fat Sex Doll Before And After Sex

by ruiguan 03 Sep 2023 0 Comments

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Before Sex With Your Fat Sex Doll

1Heating the contact surface of the fat sex doll is not mandatory, but it is highly recommended if you want a more realistic experience.

Since the fat sex doll has no body heat, it can feel cold to the touch, which may detract from the overall experience. If you do not have a fat sex doll with a built-in heating feature, there are other ways to warm it up before use.

For example, you can place the fat sex doll on a heating blanket for an hour or so before use to bring its temperature closer to that of a natural person. 

2When positioning your fat sex doll, be gentle to avoid injuries to her fingers, hands, or feet.

Take some time to consider how you would like to pose your fat sex doll’s arms and legs, as this will affect the movements during sexual activity. It is recommended to adjust her position accordingly to avoid any potential harm.

Additionally, you may find it helpful to experiment with different places to see what feels most comfortable and enjoyable for you and your fat sex doll. 

3When engaging in sexual activity with a fat sex doll, it is essential to prioritize using water-based lubricants.

Not only does it create a more pleasurable experience, but it also helps to protect the fat sex doll's skin and prolong its lifespan. To ensure a seamless and uninterrupted experience, keeping a bottle of lubricant within arm's reach at all times is recommended.

Additionally, it is essential to be aware that lubrication may need to be reapplied periodically throughout the session to maintain maximum comfort and enjoyment.

 sex doll

After Sex With Your Fat Sex Doll

1It is crucial always to keep your fat sex doll clean and well-maintained.

If you neglect to do so, it can lead to a buildup of bodily fluids and bacteria, which can cause damage to the fat sex doll over time.

Therefore, ensuring that everything that goes into the fat sex doll also comes out is essential. Fortunately, this simple process can be quickly done by placing your doll on her back with her legs spread apart.

Once in this position, you can use the vaginal irrigator that came with your fat sex doll to flush the vaginal or anal cavity, whichever you just used.

 By filling the irrigator with water and carefully washing the hole, you can ensure your fat sex doll stays clean and healthy for years.

2After emptying the contents from your fat sex doll's cavity, it is essential to take a few extra steps to remove all the water.

One helpful technique is gently leaning the doll forward, allowing most of the water to flow.

If you have an arm free, you can take this opportunity to press on her stomach gently or back, which will help to expel any remaining water that may be trapped inside your fat sex doll’s body. 

3To ensure the longevity of your TPE fat sex doll, it is essential that you dry her cavity thoroughly after cleaning.

Begin by placing her back in a supine position. Prepare a tightly rolled elongated device using toilet paper and insert it into your fat sex doll's cavity, making sure to go as deep as possible.

 Repeat this process several times until the toilet paper comes out completely dry. You can also use a hair dryer on low heat to blow hot air into the cavity for a more thorough drying process. 

4After having oral sex with your fat sex doll, it is essential to clean her mouth thoroughly.

To do this, you can remove your fat sex doll’s head and bring it into the bathroom. Once there, you can run the faucet and flush her mouth under the running water. Be sure to use the toilet paper device to dry her mouth.

If you find some residue left in her mouth, you may want to use a mild soap to clean the area. This will keep her mouth clean and make her more pleasant to kiss afterward.

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